Can Coffee Be Made Healthier | Elevate Smart Coffee

Drinking coffee in some homes is a part of rituals while some people wake up to the fresh coffee aroma brewing in their kitchens. There is no denying that coffee consumption has grown even more popular over the years, no matter in which part of the world you are. America’s Daily Coffee Consumption Americans drink as many as 400 million cups of coffee every day that makes America the global leading coffee consumer. It is interesting to know that the majority of coffee consumed is home-made while some people prefer drinking it at their favorite coffee shops. Among coffee consumer s, more than 50% belong to the young people between 18 to 34 years of age. They are mostly corporate people trying to keep up their efficiency and zeal to work. It is important to incorporate healthy and smart ways of drinking coffee so that it does help a person in long run. When it is said that 400 milligrams of caffeine consumption is safe and healthy, it means four cups of coffee can be br...